Juan **********

I am a communication expert with a background in data science, looking to contribute value in solving real-world problems. I aim to join a team and assist in efficient data management and organization. I am interested in enhancing my digital communication skills to achieve objectives. I am also passionate about vehicles, motors, roads, and navigation,

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YU **** ** **

⭐ A multi-skilled Industrial Engineer with strong analytical mindset. Certified Data Analyst / Scientist Professional, pursuing to harness the power of Data to not only make decisions about what kind of movie we want to see, but what kind of world we want to see. ⭐ People-oriented manager experienced managing global teams of 70-100 people,

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Borja ********** ********

I’m an adaptive and eager to learn Junior Data Scientist looking for Junior Data Scientist/ Data Analyst roles to develop skills in this field as well as learning from other professionals with further experience. I’m bilingual in Japanese and Spanish, fluent in English and familiar with international environments as I have lived both in Japan

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Edén ******* *******

Dear Sir/Madame, My original specialization is Computational Electromagnetics and in 2020 I made a professional move to the world of Data Science. I have been working since then with different employers in this domain and I look now for an opportunity to continue growing in this field in a stable position. Let me present my

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Yeifer ******* ********* *****

Data Scientist con conocimientos en Machine Learning, Experts Systems, Natural Processing Language (NLP) escrito y escuchado (TTS – STT) , Deep Learning en series de tiempo (RRN ( LSTM ), CNN) y clasificación. Recursos Tecnológicos: Phyton: 4 años – Intermedio.Librerias: PySpark, pymongo, tensorflow 2.0, keras, sklearn, nltk, flask, h2o, pandas, numpy, scrapy, bs4, selenium, request,

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Alberto *********** *******

Soy un apasionado de la tecnología que lleva formándose en en mundo del dato más de un año y medio y deseo tener una oportunidad para poder desarrollarme profesionalmente dentro de este sector. Tengo muchas ganas, afán de superación y capacidad para aprender rápido, además de tener una base sólida de conocimientos.

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Ana ********** ****

¡Buenas! Me llamo Ana e hice la carrera de Ciencias Físicas en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En mis años en la facultad me di cuenta de lo importantes que son los datos para poder realizar cualquier práctica o investigación, ya que unos datos de calidad suponían unas conclusiones correctas. Hice la especialidad de astrofísica,

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