Pedro ************ ****************
In another lifetime I was an aerospace engineer and nowadays I am a data scientist. I love programming, math and physics and I try to balance everything with having a family and practicing sports.
In another lifetime I was an aerospace engineer and nowadays I am a data scientist. I love programming, math and physics and I try to balance everything with having a family and practicing sports.
I am motivated to create data-driven solutions capable of adding new values to your business. In order to succeed, I will bring sharp analytical skills, the persistence to get the things done and the positive attitudes to create a good team working atmosphere. In my roles as engineer, I was recognized by my previous manager
Soy un analista y científico de datos, con formación dual, óptima para programar y entender la estadística. Mis especialidades son el proceso de datos, su limpieza y su preparación, además del análisis exploratorio (elaborar gráficos) y elegir las técnicas estadísticas adecuadas para cada caso (entre ellas, la gama de técnicas del «machine learning»). También ofrezco