Miguel ****** ******* *******

Data Scientist with system administration background. Strong interest in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization. I am constantly seeking opportunities to take part in environments of innovation, constant change, and critical thinking. Pragmatic and analytical by nature, these traits enables me to draw insights from multiple data sources easily.

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Gabriela ***** ** ******* ******

I am a resilient, independent and creative professional. In the past years I have introduced myself in the Data field and have found a new world that has changed my life, that is why I’m looking for an opportunity to develop, learn and grow equally as a person and a professional, as a Data Analyst/Scientist.

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Sergio ******* *****

Ingeniero en organización industrial interesado en la inteligencia artificial, la ciencia de datos y las últimas tecnologías busca empleo como data scientist/data analyst/python developer para seguir desarrollandose profesionalmente en el sector.

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Ignacio ****** ******

During my years as a scientific researcher I worked at the frontier of knowledge of High-Energy Physics. This led me the opportunity to boost up my statistical and analytical skills performing complex analyses with large datasets which involved modelling techniques and decision trees algorithms. Additionally I improved my communication skills participating at international conferences and

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Hernán **** ******

I’m Hernán Sosa, a junior data analyst currently living in Barcelona. I’m an Ironhack graduate, looking for opportunities to start working on the data field. Being part of Ironhack gave me a strong foundation about skills and technologies needed to be a part of a data driven company. In fact, I’m the proud winner of

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Álvaro ********** *********

Analytics professional focused on analytics and machine learning. Experienced in corporate and startups with a passion for providing business value through actionable recommendations. I like being challenged and learning constantly from new technologies and smart colleagues 

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Sofía ****** *******

Soy una recién graduada en el máster de estadística para la ciencia de los datos. Después de terminar el grado en estadística y empresa me pareció una gran oportunidad enfocarme hacia el mundo del científico de datos. A lo largo de estos años he intentado dedicarme a lo que me apasiona, haciendo así el camino

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William **** *******

Graduado en Psicología, especializado en análisis de datos, apasionado por el DeepLearning , paso mi tiempo libre mejorando mis habilidades analizando bases de Kaggle, realizando cursos en Udemy o DataCamp y dando clases de Ajedrez y matemáticas.

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Raquel ****

Economista y futura Data Scientist, cursando Máster en Data Science para finanzas. Apasionada por la estadística y la programación, mi objetivo es especializarme en el ámbito de los datos con el fin de mantener la competitividad y potenciar la eficiencia de las organizaciones, mediante la transformación de los datos en conocimiento. Me defino como una

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