Carmen ****** *******

Soy una persona enérgica y tenaz, características que me han llevado a competir en el deporte de élite. Disfruto de trabajar en equipo y me esfuerzo para sacar lo mejor del grupo y afrontar cualquier problema. Mis habilidades de comunicación son sólidas y he adquirido experiencia tanto en la exposición de datos como en la

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Carmen ****** *******

Soy una persona enérgica y tenaz, características que me han llevado a competir en el deporte de élite. Disfruto de trabajar en equipo y me esfuerzo para sacar lo mejor del grupo y afrontar cualquier problema. Mis habilidades de comunicación son sólidas y he adquirido experiencia tanto en la exposición de datos como en la

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Betty ********* *******

I am a ML/AI Research Engineer, recently graduated with a Masters Degree in Sound and Music Computing at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. For the past year I have been working in NLP models, especifically, Speech Recognition and Voice Conversion model at VoctroLabs, and I am currently looking for new exciting NLP opportunities where I

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Fernando *********

Software engineer with a PhD in Artificial Intelligence and 5 years of research experience applying Machine Learning to Medicine, Neuroscience and Industrial projects. First-authored 4 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Devised and twice taught an intensive course on Machine Learning with Python

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Teresa ********

My name is Teresa Domènech, and I have studied a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Technologiesand Services Engineering at the UPC. During University I was member of the ’Associació Cultural Telecogresca’,an association that organizes the live music festival Telecogresca (among other events), which gathers morethan 10.000 students in Barcelona. My duties in the festival were related

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Juan ****** ********

He trabajado con Python, R, SQL, Power BI, SPSS, Tableau, Google Data Studio, Jira, Figma, Hadoop, Spark, Databricks. Experiencia en plataformas como AWS, Hortonworks, Cloudera, Azure y otras herramientas. Responsable de Data Science / Business Analytics, Data UX en entornos Big Data Análisis de datos e implementación de diferentes modelos de machine learning para la

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German *******

Des de que descubrí el mundo de los datos através del BI y ahora mediante la IA, me ha fascinado todos los que le rodea. Probar nuevas herramientas, lenguajes de programación, estructuras, modelos, redes, sistemas, cloud, etc. Me gusta pelearme con los datos para ver que información puedo extraer, además de todo el mundo de

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Miguel ******

I’m Miguel, a Machine Learning Research Engineer who loves creating systems based on data. I have recently developed deep learning models for object detection and image generation tasks, that allow unmanned systems to understand the environment by themselves

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Félix *******

I finished the Artificial Intelligence doctorate courses in 2003 and after some years combining professional work with teaching and research in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, I am working with the new deep-learning and deep-reinforcement learning techniques for its application to financial world (Investment Management). Self-driving cars for its enormous transforming potential

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