Sebastian *******

My goal is to create data-driven opportunities for businesses worldwide. I am interested in disruptive technologies and how they’ll change our world, creating impact-driven analyses, and working with highly motivated individuals. My strengths include project management skills, creative problem-solving, and technical knowledge on data science and data engineering.

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Aninda *************

Passionate about solving problems around data analytics. Experienced in Research and Development roles, created innovative solutions based on Big Data technologies and machine learning. Interacted with global clients and translated business requirements to problem statements in client facing roles.

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Luis ********* *******

Empecé a programar en Python a inicios de 2015. En particular utilizaba librerías Pandas, Numpy,Scipy y Matplotlib para hacer simulaciones de física computacional de un material llamado grafeno. Desarrollé una gran variedad de códigos en este lenguaje para simular la conducción eléctrica y el magnetismo en este material. Durante mi periodo de prácticas de 4

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Alvaro ********

Soy un Data Scientist con más de 5 años de experiencia en el mundo de los datos. Soy doctor en física por la Universidad de Barcelona, con lo que tengo experiencia académica y no-académica. Ahora mismo estoy trabajando para una e-commerce implementando soluciones data-driven en las que combino matemáticas fundamentales con soluciones de machine learning

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Álvaro *****

Currently approaching software engineering and the data science industry. My academic background in Econometrics paved the way to an ever-growing interest in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. I built a SQL voice assistant based on Rasa chatbot infrastructure as my final project for Ironhack Data Analytics Bootcamp. Past internships in finance, mass media and

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Álvaro ***** *******

I am PhD in physics with a strong academic background. My current focus is on the implementation of advanced analytic solutions across different industries or sectors. These include the use of SoA Big Data technologies and end-to-end scalable machine learning models. I have a natural passion about science and technology.

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