Christian ******* ********

Hello!  My name is Christian. I am a data engineer currently living in Málaga, Spain. Besides programming, I like to spend my free time on the beach and exploring the city (the spanish gastronomy is seriously mind blowing)! When not outside, I like to spend my free time playing Switch and solving puzzles at CodeWars.

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Adrian ******** ****

He trabajado por cuenta propia desde hace más de 10 años, con todo lo que ello implica en cuanto a aprender por mi cuenta, investigar para resolver un problema, motivarme a mí mismo, etc. Actualmente trabajo como Data Analyst con herramientas como Power BI, SSIS, SSRS, SQL Server, Azure Devops, Kettle…

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Sebastia ********

I hold a PhD in theoretical physics where I was modelling complex magnetic materials with my own self programmed algorithms. Among other things I’ve been working in a small mobility startup where I was in charge for developing the core algorithm for routing. I’m currently working at a spanish moonshot factory where among others my

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Ferran ****** ******

I’m a data analyst, I’m very curious about learning new things that can help me achieve my goals and projects. I have a very analytical mindset, I consider myself a problem solver and always have been interested in applying statistics, probability and propositional logic to my job and side projects.I’m interested in card games and

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Oriol ****

Data scientist passionate about big data and cloud technologies.I have a strong educational background in engineering and I’m looking for stimulating challenges in the data science, analytics and engineering fields.I’m excited about using my experience and skills to contribute to the growth of the company, while improving as a professional in the data world. 

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Laura *******

Mi nombre es Laura. Soy una persona a la que le gusta innovar y estar continuamente aprendiendo cosas nuevas. Me fascina el mundo de los datos y me gustaría seguir desarrollándome en este mundo. Soy activa y valoro mucho la comunicación y el respeto.  

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