jessica ***** *****

Junior Data Analyts con amplia experiencia en entornos laborales en losque se valora el compromiso y la capacidad de trabajar en equipo. Mecaracterizo por mi dinamismo, proactividad y entusiasmo. Poseo buenosconocimientos en machine learning. Hago uso de los algoritmos y elanalisis predictivo. La limpieza, transformación y categorización deatributos me hacen obtener unos buenos resultados en

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Cristina **** *****

Passionate about data and with a scientific background in the area of Neurosciences, I have entered the world of Data Science and I have discovered a new passion, programming combined with data. My strengths are my desire to learn and my analytical skills and I always seek to improve day after day.

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Juan **********

I am a communication expert with a background in data science, looking to contribute value in solving real-world problems. I aim to join a team and assist in efficient data management and organization. I am interested in enhancing my digital communication skills to achieve objectives. I am also passionate about vehicles, motors, roads, and navigation,

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YU **** ** **

⭐ A multi-skilled Industrial Engineer with strong analytical mindset. Certified Data Analyst / Scientist Professional, pursuing to harness the power of Data to not only make decisions about what kind of movie we want to see, but what kind of world we want to see. ⭐ People-oriented manager experienced managing global teams of 70-100 people,

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Elena ******* *******

Estudié Ingeniería Técnica Industrial en la especialidad de Electrónica Industrial, he dedicado mi carrera profesional a la gestión de proyectos en sectores como automoción, alimentación, químico, farmacéutico y estos últimos años en el marketing digital.  Actualmente, estoy centrando mi carrera profesional en el área del Data Science, cursando un Máster en Data Science for business. 

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